Hypnotherapy for Phobias
Fear is a natural and protective emotion. However, when it it is irrational, it can severely limit our ability to live life to the full, and prevent us from doing the things we love- a phobia of flying can prevent us from going on holiday, for example.
Phobias are persisting and unrealistic fears of objects or situations. They are distressing and cause avoidance and excessive and disproportionate emotional reactions. And they can be reversed.
Some of the most common phobias include-
Claustrophobia- fear of enclosed spaces
Agrophobia- fear of open spaces
Dentophobia- fear of going to the dentist
Glossophobia- fear of public speaking
Aerophobia- fear of flying
Aquaphobia- fear of water
Arachnophobia- fear of spiders
Some of the least common phobias include-
Globophobia- fear of balloons
Emetophobia- fear of sickness, and of being sick
Tryophobia- fear of objects with clusters of holes in
Eisoptrophobia- fear of seeing yourself in a mirror
Plutophobia- fear of money
Somniphobia- fear of falling asleep
Chaetophobia- fear of hair
Hypnotherapy can gently address and unwind the subconscious root cause of phobias, allowing the excessive fear to drop away, and letting you live a fulfilling, fear- free life.
For more information about Cognitive Hypnotherapy for phobias, click here.
“Ella devised tailor made interventions to approach my deeply entrenched phobia of spiders in a way that worked best for me. After only 2 sessions I feel I am much better placed to deal with my phobia as she has given me the tools to cope with uncomfortable situations which I can now harness at any time.”