Ella Matthews - Breath Body Mind - West London Hypnotherapist and Health Coach
My Story
4 years ago I suffered a traumatic spinal injury and thought I’d never recover.
I was in agony for months. It was almost impossible to walk. I couldn’t move without debilitating pain. I couldn’t sleep. I walked with a limp. For a while I couldn’t even put my socks on by myself.
Despite my training at that time, and experience with the body, I just couldn’t seem to get out of pain. The doctors couldn’t help- in fact they made it worse.
They told me I had a long term problem and tried to put me on painkillers indefinitely. The condition I had sometimes ends up needing spinal surgery.
This drastically effected my mood- I became anxious, irritable and depressed. Then the worry about the pain made the pain worse. It quickly became a vicious, self perpetuating cycle.
I know the fear of thinking you will never be out of pain again.
It was terrifying.
A way out
I thought I was doing everything to get better. But because it kept getting worse and worse, my mind went to all sorts of dark places. I had no idea that all the overthinking and catastrophising was making it more painful!
But with the right support, updating my understanding of the mechanisms behind pain, lots of work letting go of old, stuck emotional trauma, having hypnotherapy for anxiety, examining my limiting beliefs, replacing those unhelpful beliefs with more healthy, accurate thoughts, replacing my harsh inner critic with a kind and supportive inner voice, and correcting my posture and movement patterns, I’m happy to say I’m 100% better.
No drugs or surgery needed.
This experience led me to explore even more thoroughly what pain is, how it manifests, how physical, mental and emotional pain are so connected, and most importantly, how to put pain firmly in the past- for myself, and now also for you.
If you’d like to know more about my journey and how I got to where I am, you can read my first blog here.
“Ella has a vast knowledge of many great techniques and practices, and is a great person who instilled trust and understanding throughout the time spent together.
I can wholeheartedly say Ella has helped me massively”